The Return 2024 Full Movie Where to Watch
Odysseus: For some, war becomes home
After 20 years, Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca, where he finds his wife held captive by the suitors vying to become king and his son facing death at their hands. To win back his family and everything he has lost, Odysseus must regain his strength… For the third time, Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche star in a film together. They previously worked together in Wuthering Heights (1992) and Engleski pacijent (1996). Penelope: How can men find the way to war but not the way back?
It tells the story of Odysseus’ attempt to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War
One of the great works of Western literature, Homer’s THE ODYSSEY, has been told on film many times and in many ways. He is besieged from the beginning by obstacles in the form of monsters, a witch, mermaids, lotus eaters, cannibals, etc. Previous versions of this story have focused on the spectacular and sensational elements, particularly 1954’s ULYSSES starring Kirk Douglas. (For this film, Ulysses was renamed Ulysses for some unknown reason.) This version is different in that it focuses on the human elements of the story when Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca after 10 years of hard struggle, only to find his kingdom in serious decline and his wife at the mercy of thugs who try to marry her to get her money and her kingdom because everyone thinks Odysseus is dead. They threaten to take her and Ithaca by force if she does not choose one of them as her husband.
But much of the film is dialogue-free
After 10 years, Odysseus is unrecognizable and must assess the situation before planning his strategy to get rid of these vile men who are bleeding his land dry and take his rightful place as king. He disguises himself as a tramp until he can reveal himself and act. This is not a CGI-heavy film aimed at teenagers; it is aimed at intelligent adults with adult emotions and rationality. The literary screenplay by the late Edward Bond, John Collee and Uberto Pasolini is a joy to listen to, especially when performed by top-notch actors. The actors do a lot of “subtext”, especially the brilliant Juliette Binoche as Penelope.
She gives a refined and complex performance
Ralph Fiennes gives the best performance I have seen him give to date. Mr. Pasolini is also the director of the film and does an excellent job of keeping it focused and suspenseful. The cinematography is by Marius Panduru, who is wonderfully aided by the magnificent settings of the island of Corfu. The effective and understated soundtrack is by Oscar-winner Rachel Portman.
Fiennes quite early in the film)
In case these things bother you, I warn you that the film contains a lot of blood and violence, and some nudity (including a full Monty from Mr. I am very grateful to the producers for having the courage to make a film aimed at intelligent adults. I hope it receives enough support from the public to encourage others to do the same.